The innovator of medical piercing
Blomdahl is the innovator and market leader when it comes to medical ear piercings. We have thousands of practitioners throughout the world, all of which use our unique, yet sterile method, that is suitable for all types of ear piercings.
Is this the first time your child will have their ears pierced? Or maybe you are considering an ear piercing? If so, you’ve come to the right place. You can rest assured that we have a well-proven medical method and sterile, skin friendly and hypoallergenic products that we developed in consultation with dermatologists.

The images depicts simultaneous ear piercing. The steps are the same as when you pierce one ear at a time.

The desired location is marked with a surgical marker pen. This helps to indicate the site of the piercing.
The skin is prepped and cleansed with alcohol swabs. The alcohol disinfects the skin prior to piercing in order to prevent infections caused by bacteria on the skin.
The ear piercing studs are separely stored in disposable cassettes with a sealed packaging.
No more hesitation after the first ear has been pierced. This method is faster, safer and is more comfortable for everyone, including children.

A Single Use, Disposable Cassette
Blomdahl Medical Ear Piercing addresses the risk of infections, such as hepatitis, being transmitted during the ear-piercing process. This is genuine risk and that risk can only be eliminated by using a single use, disposable cassette. With Blomdahl, your ear piercing is completely hygienic and sterile with maximum protection from transmissible infections.

Medical Titanium Ear Piercing Studs
Only 2% of persons have nickel allergies at birth, but if an ear is pierced with nickel-containing jewelry, the risk of developing a nickel allergy rate rises to 25%. Medical Grade Titanium is accepted extremely well by the body and is therefore used more and more in implants and other medical applications. These materials are suitable for everyone, even for individuals with allergies.
Medical Plastic Ear Piercing Studs
Blomdahl’s Medical Plastic is the only ear piercing earring in the world with 0% nickel! This would the best choice for sensitive ears, which is why they are often recommended for babies and children eliminates the risk of developing a nickel allergy. Medical Plastic is recommended for anyone who wants to avoid developing a nickel allergy.

Specially designed
by dermatologists for optimal healing, minimal allergy, and so that you can easily change to regular earrings or studs after the healing period

Medical backing
When air can circulate around a new piercing, it will heal better. That’s why unlike the other ear piercing studs available, the earring backs on Blomdahl piercing earrings are always fixed at the tip of the post.
Airy with longer and thicker posts
With a new piercing, it is important that it is kept airy for optimal healing. That is why Blomdahl’s piercing earrings have two different lengths on the post, along with an earring back that is attached at the very end of the tip. Longer posts studs are also suitable for individuals with thicker ear lobes.
Because the hole of a new piercing tends to shrink, we made the post a bit thicker, which is why the hole will also be a bit larger, at first. It helps ensure that the new, sensitive skin is less easily damaged when you switch earrings.