How to react to a jewellery allergy?

For many women, jewellery is an indispensable part of our lives. We go about our day-to-day wearing various kinds of earrings, bracelets and necklaces. But, for many of us, we have developed a sensitivity to certain metals that are common in the jewellery we wear. So, what should we do when it happens and what can we do to overcome it?  

Firstly, we need to identify the allergic situation. A jewellery allergy typically begins 24 to 48 hours after being exposed to the item and its symptoms may last for as long as 2 to 4 weeks. The symptoms may appear anywhere that you have jewellery on, such as your ears, neck or hands. Symptoms of a jewellery allergy may include: 

  • Itching or irritation
  • Redness 
  • Tenderness
  • Swelling
  • Bumps 
  • Rashes 
  • Dry patches that resemble a burn 
  • Blisters and draining fluid



    People can be allergic to any materials, but the most common would be nickel allergies, which is often what happens with our jewellery. The exact cause of the allergy is unknown, but it may develop due to our immune system’s sensitivity to nickel. Our immune system is intended to fight off harmful substances, its reaction suggests that it may view the material as a harmful substance as well. It might take repeated exposure before our bodies develop an adverse reaction, but once it happens, our bodies will always have an adverse reaction when we come into contact with it. 



    While there is no permanent cure for a nickel allergy, here are some steps we can take to treat the affected area: 

    • Remove the jewelry responsible for the allergy. If you suspect a certain piece of jewelry is causing the problem, it’s best to stop wearing it and observe how your skin reacts. 



      • Apply a cream on the surface of the rash to help it heal. Your dermatologist may prescribe a corticosteroid cream, nonsteroidal cream, oral corticosteroids, or an oral antihistamine. Medication will help reduce the symptoms and relieve the irritation depending on the severity of the allergy reaction.


      • Emollient creams or soothing lotions such as calamine lotion, petroleum jelly, or mineral oil can help ease the itching. It’s also important to moisturize regularly, since your skin’s natural barrier has been disrupted by the allergens. 



      • A wet compress can help soothe your blisters and relieve the itching. You can soak a clean cloth in tap water, then apply it onto the affected area of the skin.


      • Avoid over-the-counter ointments like antibiotic creams, as these may contain ingredients such as neomycin which can worsen an allergic reaction.



      So, to avoid all of this hassle, the best thing to do is to prevent yourself from experiencing the allergic reaction. Ear piercing often starts off a nickel allergy, so if anyone decides to have their ears pierced, make sure the studs that are put in as the ears are pierced are nickel-free and hypoallergenic. When the holes have healed wear good quality skin-friendly earrings as well. 



      The best skin-friendly jewellery we have found would be Blomdahl’s range of products, where all of our jewellery are made of medical grade titanium and are definitely suitable for anyone with any kind of skin sensitivities. So, you would not need to worry about developing an allergy with our jewellery, and you can let your children wear earrings worry-free as well. Do check out our jewellery line right here!